Sunday, January 20, 2008

How Much Longer?

Every year after Christmas, I get Spring Fever. I know I'm not the only one because I Burpee and Land's End are sending me catalogs for seeds and kids' summer clothes. I don't know what to do about this. I have two more marking periods to get through, and the students are getting lazier. So many things I should be doing right now, and I'm dreaming of summer... days at the pool, visits to the shore, long days that don't end until 9 pm, carnivals every week... ergh, I can't wait.

Snap back to reality... we survived Christmas pretty well. Vincent was INSANE, and it's like someone flipped a switch on December 26th. He transformed into this calmer version of himself. Not that he is without challenges. His favorite words right now are "No", "But..." and "Why?". You would think I'm talking about a 2 year old! Not someone who's going to be 5 soon!! He should be a lawyer, the way he argues with me about everything!

Julia has discovered the wonder of climbing, and most of the time can climb herself back down from wherever she's gotten herself. Still won't say "Momma", or anything like it, unless she's pissed. That probably doesn't mean anything, right?

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