Sunday, April 27, 2008


See Mrs. L.? I was listening... She was my 5/6th grade English teacher. Back before English became smooshed with Reading, and now they're called "Language Arts" "Language Arts/Literacy", "English Language Arts", or whatever will improve the kids' test scores... Anyway, titles were always hard for me to come up with because I would always try to think of them before I wrote. She was the one who told us not to write the title until the writing was over, and then it would come to you. I just realized that I have never learned that lesson until just now, when I was trying to come up with a title for this post. She reminded me... I'll wait. If the title sucks, well, that's why I teach Math.

Testing season is here. It's ridiculous. I can't tell if the bullsh!t we're going through is because my administrators are paranoid beyond belief, or if the 'state' is really that interested in micromanaging. This week, it's the 7th and 8th graders turn. In the mean time, I'm getting kicked out of my classroom so they can all test in an isolated area of the building. Next week, it's our turn, and I get to stand for 4 hours straight. Staring. Certainly NOT looking at the test. Maybe the clock. Can you sleep with your eyes open? Some of us were wondering why our i pods can't have wireless earbuds, like those annoying bluetooth things you see everyone wearing while they're shopping, talking into it like they can't be unavailable for 2 seconds while they run into the food store to pick up tampons. Seriously. Don't call me while shopping for hygiene products. Anyway, if there are any inventors out there, the teachers of America would probably pay almost anything to be able to listen to a little tune or three while watching their students throw 9 months of education down the chute.

Speaking of i pods, my poor husband is devastated. I bought him one for Christmas. The one that will hold about 40,000 songs, because he is THAT into music. He's spent almost every night for the past 4 months loading songs. He plugged it in tonight, did everything he was supposed to do, and all the songs are gone. He had over 3000 on there. Why not just reload the songs from our itunes? Because if we load more than 100 songs (figuratively, I don't have the exact number), our computer freaks out.

Getting ready for Vincent's 5th birthday extravaganza. This Saturday is the family party. Here. Then Wednesday is all the festivities at his school. Next Saturday is the kids' party. I should have just paid to have it somewhere, but it's here. I was at least smart enough to only invite 6 kids, but some are bringing siblings. Wish me luck! Or whatever, but post a comment, so I can see if anyone's actually reading this thing.

1 comment:

Brave Sir Robin said...

Oh FSM!! That sucks about the IPOD. I assume he has it on manual update?

Don't get me started on state mandated testing!!!! That's all our school system (Texas) teaches anymore. From day one it's all about passing those damn tests.