Friday, July 13, 2007

WTF am I doing??

Why doesn't anyone tell you how complicated being a parent really is?? I used to hate people who told me that they too knew everything about raising kids before they became parents. I never got that statement, and thought it was the lazy parent's way of blowing off whatever brilliant morsel of advice I was bestowing on them. Kid wakes up at night? Let them cry themselves back to sleep! Even after my son was born, so many of my child-rearing ideas stayed true. He did cry himself back to sleep. After about 10 minutes. I didn't know there were babies that could cry a cry that can literally reach into your chest and rip your heart out. For an hour.

You know how they say a little bit of knowlege is dangerous? Well, now that I've had my eyes opened, I've been questioning everything I do. How much am I damaging Vincent by not giving in? Is it really a big deal if he gets his way this time? Is compromising just another way of giving in? Am I making him one of those pain-in-the-butt argumentative kids by constantly negotiating with him, or is he argumentative by nature, and I'm working with what I've got?

Julia HATES her crib. Cries at night when I put her in it until she falls asleep. Wakes up crying in the morning. Will nap in her pack 'n play, carrier, on the floor, in her stroller, but the second I put her in her crib, she's up. On top of that, she almost never naps. Vincent was a champion napper. Twice a day for at least 2 hours each. Sometimes three. I had and idea that I was just lucky. You couldn't get me to swear under oath that I thought he was so easy because I was such a great mom. Naturally, I think I'm doing something wrong because Julia won't nap. (She was just playing happily in her p'np, and now she's sleeping. 0n her side. between the toys.)

And what's up with the food? I know I read somewhere not to give her avacadoes, but the pediatrician said give her anything except honey, nuts, and probably shellfish. Is there any way to keep them from being picky eaters? Vincent ate everything we ate for dinner when he was able to have 'table food' (where did that expression go?). I don't know what happened, but now he's four, and won't eat almost anything we have for dinner. I made a pact with my sister that I won't make him special meals, but most of the time, I'm making dinner for him seperate from Ernie and I because Ernie gets home so late, so we can't eat as a family.

Ergh... any advice?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Family of Four

Guess I should have let you all in on it sooner. Not that anyone reads this blog. It's just that sometimes I post on other peoples' blogs, and if they decide to check me out, I'd like to give them something to read, since I enjoy theirs so much.
My mother actually paid for me to go to one of those ultrasound places to find out that I was having a girl. I highly recommend them: . It was freaky to see all of my daughter's 'parts' so clearly (even though I only did the 2D ultrasound). My poor mother had no idea what we were looking at.
My daughter was born by c-section on November 27. She was huge, 10 pounds, 1 ounce, 23 inches long. No wonder I was winded standing more than 10 minutes at a time. She's much calmer and agreeable outside the womb than inside. She's so content to sit and watch the rest of us.