Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Family of Four

Guess I should have let you all in on it sooner. Not that anyone reads this blog. It's just that sometimes I post on other peoples' blogs, and if they decide to check me out, I'd like to give them something to read, since I enjoy theirs so much.
My mother actually paid for me to go to one of those ultrasound places to find out that I was having a girl. I highly recommend them: . It was freaky to see all of my daughter's 'parts' so clearly (even though I only did the 2D ultrasound). My poor mother had no idea what we were looking at.
My daughter was born by c-section on November 27. She was huge, 10 pounds, 1 ounce, 23 inches long. No wonder I was winded standing more than 10 minutes at a time. She's much calmer and agreeable outside the womb than inside. She's so content to sit and watch the rest of us.