Saturday, December 15, 2012

What I learned in Teaching with Digital Tools 2012

Pay Attention!

This video got mine, at the very beginning of the semester. It was filled with so many ideas, in rapid-fire format, and I couldn't believe we aren't using some of these ideas already.

When this class started, I had never heard of 21st Century skills, LOTI, or ADDIE. I was self-aware enough to think that I knew something about Technology, but there was probably so much more out there that I wasn't aware of and using in my classroom.

This course was challenging for me, but only through struggle does anything change. My change was most present in my classroom use.  It didn’t hurt that my district has made some priority out of technology by providing us with iPads. Since the semester began I have also gained an interactive whiteboard, and I had an Apple TV unit donated to my classroom. It was very exciting to link the Apple TV to the projector and wirelessly project the lesson from my iPad. I found an app ( that records the lesson as I’m presenting it, with my voiceover as well as the students answering the questions. Through this class, I have learned that this is a type of screencast, and look forward to sharing these lessons with students that are absent. Through our Thinkfinity discussions, I have become aware of “flipped” lessons. Screencasting is a great way to have the lesson go at the student’s pace, allow them to rewind parts they don’t understand, and pause to take notes. Educreations allows me to share the lesson with my students for them to watch at home, then work in class with my assistance. Here is an example of an Educreations lesson I created: multiplying and dividing rational numbers. The lesson itself is not perfect, but it gives you an idea of how the software works. I'm still self-conscious about the sound of my voice (wish I could have James Earl Jones do the voice-ver), but I figure my students are used to it from hearing me yammer on all day.

Without the explicit assignment, I don't know how long it would have taken me to create my own website: I can expand what I have there in so many ways, and look forward to that becoming more of an integral part of my lessons. The SchoolWorld setup is so easy to use. I look forward to making the website even more streamlined and easy for my students to use. 

This class gave a lot of information. I haven't been able to use everything in my classroom just yet, but the seeds have been planted. I know it takes time and effort for them to germinate. My students and I will most definitely benefit from the harvest.