Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Days just ain't what they used to be

Vincent at 6am: Can we go outside and play in the snow????
Me: Later
V: When?
M (looking on Noggin's shows): We'll go outside when Oswald comes on
Julia: (unspellable noise similar to that of a screaming banshee, I think she wants food)
V: Can we go outside and play in the snow??
J: (still screaming, not touching food, so I take her to change her)
V: Why can't we go outside and play in the snow now?
Me: Because it's not time yet (going to the mini chopper to grind princess raynebow's broiled chicken)
Vincent: What are you doing?
Me: Making Raynebow's food
J: UH! (wants to be picked up, so I do, while grinding the chicken, putting some in Raynebow's bowl to shut her up, then going back to the mini grinder to finish the rest, put Julia down to put cat food in the fridge, and Julia promptly begins to take the pork roll out of the door rack, box by box. I remove the last box from her hand, put the rest back, and close the door. Julia responds by resuming the banshee wail. I put her in the crib for a nap and start to make my breakfast)
Vincent: Mom? Why can't we go outside now? Pinky Dinky Do is boring! I don't want to watch it. (browse other kid channels, Disney is showing My Friends Tigger and Pooh, which won't fly, so I put on Sprout, which is showing Sesame Street)
Julia: (banshee wail in crib)
Vincent: I don't want to watch Sesame Street (goes into fridge, takes out string cheese) Can I have some cheese?
Me: What's the rule?
Julia: (banshee wail in crib intermittent)
V: Ask before you take
Me: put it back
V: But I want something to eat!!
Me: put it back
V: (eyeing my breakfast) What's that?
Julia: (lower banshee wail)
Me: An English Muffin
V: Can I have one?
Me: Sure, I have to put it in the toaster
V: Mom, when we come in from playing in the snow, are we going to have hot chocolate?
M: yes
V: Where is the hot chocolate?
M: put away (has it been a few minutes since Julia's cried?? oh, there it is!)
V: but we're going to have some, right?
M: yes
V: Is my english muffin ready yet?
M: I'm getting it now
V: Are you going to put butter on it?
M: That's what I'm doing right now

::::silence while the boy child consumes his english muffin, I think Julia's asleep, and the cat is fed, I am able to finish breakfast and the paper, skipping to the cartoons:::::::::::

Vincent: Why can't we go outside yet? What's on next? What's on after LazyTown? (Stephanie's porn movie, dear) What's on after Jack's Big Music Show? (Oswald) And then we can go outside?.....

Ernie (upon reading this email): We have English Muffins??